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number of hands; flop burn cards

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Subject:number of hands; flop burn cards
Summary:looping too many hands; returned flop incorrect
Author:Brian Pang
Date:2006-11-02 15:58:51
Update:2006-12-29 12:08:50


  1. number of hands; flop burn cards   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Brian Pang Brian Pang - 2006-11-02 15:58:51

Line 18:

(Assuming line 13 is $playnum=8) This is actually dealing 9 hands. Should be $cardcounter < $playnum in the for condition.

Same issue for Line 62:

Should be $finalHandCounter1<$playnum

and Line 79:

Should be $var1<$playnum

Line 35:
$flopStart=($playnum*2)+2;//start position for flop cards

Should be just $flopStart=($playnum*2);
you were adding the extra 2 card positions to account for the extra hand dealt in line 18.

Line 37:
$flopCards=8;//defines how many cards in flop inclusive of burns

Only 7 cards flop (on the board). I've never seen a burn card before the flop (first 3 cards).

Line 38:
for($x=0;$x<=$flopCards;$x++)//loop to populate the flop

As above with $playnum, this should be $x<$flopCards in the for condition.

  2. players' second card; flop fix   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Brian Pang Brian Pang - 2006-11-04 13:48:43 - In reply to message 1 from Brian Pang
Line 15:

Should be just $secondcard=$playnum;
Since the array counting starts at zero (0) the 8th position in the array is already the 9th card in the deck.

Lines 49-57:
print_r($flop[1]." ");
print_r($flop[2]." ");
print_r($flop[3]." ");
print_r($flop[5]." ");
print_r($flop[7]." ");

//create new hands that include the flop cards

Again, since the array begins at zero (0) the cards to use are:

print_r($flop[0]." ");
print_r($flop[1]." ");
print_r($flop[2]." ");
print_r($flop[4]." ");
print_r($flop[6]." ");

//create new hands that include the flop cards

These should more correctly be referred to as the "board" but I don't want to go changing variable names around at this time.

  3. Re: number of hands; flop burn cards   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Jayme Fishman Jayme Fishman - 2006-12-29 12:08:50 - In reply to message 1 from Brian Pang
Brian - you can choose to count from 0 or 1 when you pass the playnum argument ... your choice. However, that is not a bug.