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Using first field as key

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Subject:Using first field as key
Summary:Using first field as key
Author:edgar ochieng
Date:2015-03-19 10:20:05


  1. Using first field as key   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of edgar ochieng edgar ochieng - 2015-03-19 10:20:05

This is quite a usefull class you have built, thanks alot of the good job.

I'm trying to read your code to see how instead of using cell id as key if there's any way I can instead use the first row values as keys.

Would you mind pointing me towards the right direction?

Kind regards,

  2. Re: Using first field as key   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Karl Holz Karl Holz - 2016-07-02 20:28:48 - In reply to message 1 from edgar ochieng
Hello Marvin,

Sorry for the late reply, I'm currently working on an up date for this class's code, and I have already added a configuration file/configuration generator so you can map a custom name to an excel field that has already been entered. you'll need to edit the ini file after it's been written, but it's simple enough to edit with vi(m) or notepad.exe

  3. Re: Using first field as key   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Karl Holz Karl Holz - 2020-08-08 21:46:55 - In reply to message 1 from edgar ochieng
Hey just so you know, i have added this feature to use a row as labels, just set the row number variable and data start variable. you can map cells to labels too, but the column names is ment for large lists of data. I plan on uploading to my github by the end of the week and it should auto update here.