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DAO for PHP: Access data objects in a database using PDO

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dao-for-php 1.0.3Freely Distributable7PHP 5, Databases


This class can be use to access data objects in a database using PDO.

It provides a base class that should be extended by application data access classes to execute queries to store and retrieve objects in database table records.

The base class can establish database connections, execute queries and store error messages when the queries fail.

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require_once 'DAO.php';

// Your own class
// Tu clase propia
class UserDao extends DAO
    public function
get_user(int $id)
// If method is executeGet(), it will return result set from database
        // Si el método es executeGet(), devolverá los datos de la base de datos
$this->executeGet("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id", ['id' => $id]);
    public function
// Use execute() method to store data and set_msj() method to create custom message
        // Usar método execute() para insertar datos y el método set_msj() para crear un mensaje
$this->execute("INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (:name)", ['name' => $name]);
$this->message("User saved successfully!");

$user = new UserDao;

// Get user with id = 1

if (!
$user->result['error']) {
/* If correct, print name of user. Index 0 means get first element of array response
       Si no hay error imprimir el nombre del user
       El índice 0 indica que se obtiene el primer elemento del array de respuesta */
echo $user->result['data'][0]['name'];
else {
// If error, print error message
    // Si hay error imprimir el mensaje
echo $user->result['data'];

// Close MySQL connection
// Cierra la conexión a MySQL


Dao-for-PHP v1.0

Abstract class DAO for PDO/MySQL

Class heritage Example

class User extends DAO
    public function get_by_id(int $id)
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id';
        $this->executeGet($sql, ['id' => $id]);

    public function create_user(string $name)
        $sql = 'INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (:name)';
        $this->execute($sql, ['name' => $name]);

        $this->message('User created successfully!');

Get user by id example

$user = new User();


if ($user->result['error']) {
    $error = $user->result['data'];
} else {
    $user_obtained = $user->result['data'][0];

Create user example

$user = new User();

$user->create_user('John Doe');

$response = $user->result['data'];


public array $result

  • _$this->result['error']_ - Boolean
  • _$this->result['data']_ - Array|String from executeGet() method - String from execute() method

protected PDO $con - PDO MySQL connection

protected PDO $query - PDO prepared statement for execution


public void execute(string $query, array $params)

public void executeGet(string $query, array $params)

  • _string $query_ - SQL sentence with alias
  • _array $params_ - Assoc array with alias as key

public void message(string $message)

  • _string $message_ - Create custom response message after execute() method

public void close()

  • Close MySQL connection

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