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HTTP Server: HTTP server written in pure PHP

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2008-02-07 (8 years ago) RSS 2.0 feedStarStarStarStar 67%Total: 1,281 This week: 1All time: 2,895 This week: 1,047Up
Version License PHP version Categories
astahttpd 0.1GNU General Publi...5.2.0Networking, HTTP, PHP 5
Description Author

This package implements a Modular HTTP server written in pure PHP. It supports:

- Add-On Modules
- GET, POST, and HEAD methods
- Alias for URI that are mapped to given directories
- Execute external programs to handle CGI requests (mod_cgi & mod_cgi_header)
- Virtual hosts based on IP or host name (mod_vhost)
- Basic & Digest Authentication (mod_auth_basic & mod_auth_digest)
- URL rewriting (mod_rewrite)
- Decompress requests and compress responses with gzip or deflate methods (mod_encoding)
- Bandwidth Limiter (mod_bandwidth)
- Live Server Status (mod_status)

Picture of Rio Astamal
Name: Rio Astamal <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Indonesia Indonesia

                  astahttpd v0.1 beta3 README file

What is astahttpd?

astahttpd is free and open source web server written using 100% pure PHP.
Currently astahttpd v0.1-beta3 support these following features:

   - GET, POST, and HEAD methods
   - Alias directories
   - Modular Architecture *
   - CGI Processing (mod_cgi & mod_cgi_header)
   - Virtual Host (mod_vhost)
   - URL Rewrite (mod_rewrite)
   - Basic Authentication  (mod_auth_basic) *
   - Digest Authentication (mod_auth_digest) *
   - Log written to file (Access & Rewrite) 
   - Bandwidth Limit (mod_bandwidth) *
   - Live server status (mod_status) *
   - Content encoding using gzip or deflate (mod_encoding)
Note: * new in this release

You need at least PHP 5.2.3 to run astahttpd since it implements OOP style
that only available on PHP5.

astahttpd should not be used in production use due many performance and
security issue that has not been fixed yet.

The Idea

The idea behind the making of astahttpd is simple, I just need simple
web server for astasms (an sms server written also in pure PHP, I will
released soon :) ). Since astasms front-end is web based, so it needs a web
server. I don't want to use Apache or other mainstream web server player, 
because i think it's too bloated if used only for supporting front-end.

After tried few simple httpd server written by somebody else, but most of them
just make me more frustating. Many of them is really hard to install and 
configure and the worst, i even cannot compile them :( .

So I started to make my own web server using my favorite language PHP. The first
thnik I need to decide is whether to use PHP4 or PHP5. I think OOP in PHP5 
is very good and make software maintanance more easy. So I decided to use PHP5.

Current Version

Current version that shipped with this distribution is astahttpd v0.1-beta3

Latest Release

You can obtain astahttpd latest release on project homepage at


Please see file called INSTALL


astahttpd is licensed under GNU GPL 3, for more information see file
called LICENSE

Rio Astamal (
  • default-testpage.png
  • 404-notfound.png
  • env-on-astahttpd.png
  • astahttpd-browsedir.png
  • ab2-rewrite.php
  • a-401.png
  • a-installer.png
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imagelib (11 files)
Files folder imagebin (1 file)
Files folder imageconf (1 file)
Files folder imagehtdocs (7 files)
Files folder imageicons (8 files)
Files folder imagelogs (2 files)
Files folder imagemodules (11 files)
Plain text file COPYRIGHT Data Copyright file
Plain text file INSTALL Doc. Installation Instruction
Plain text file Data Auto installer
Plain text file LICENSE Lic. GNU GPLv3
Plain text file NEWS Data News and ChangeLog
Plain text file README Doc. Readme file
Plain text file TODO Data To do lists

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