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vBulletin Bridge: Integrate site users with vBulletin member system

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Version License PHP version Categories
vbulletin-bridge 1.0BSD License5.0PHP 5, User Management, Forums


This class can be used to integrate site users with vBulletin member system.

It provides functions to manipulate the tables of a vBulletin installation that keep records of members.

Currently it can register a new member requiring activation, process activation from email, process activation manually, update user details, delete a user, start and end a login session, recover lost password, change the user password.

Picture of Sam Cleaver
Name: Sam Cleaver <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: United Kingdom
Age: 33
All time rank: 2386111 in United Kingdom
Week rank: 178 Up5 in United Kingdom Up


README/USAGE - vbulletin-bridge - 10/16/09 ------------------------------------------ class vBulletin-Bridge - intended to be used with vBulletin 3.7.2 Based on snippet by Alex Matulich, June 2008, Unicorn Research Corporation released under BSD. Major modifications made by Sam Cleaver (, Sept 2009, ------------------------------------------ FULL LIST OF FUNCTIONS AVAILABLE FOR USE: - register_newuser (Registers new user and sends out activation email unless $noactivate is set to true) - activate_user (Activates user) - deactivate_user (Deactivates & Deletes user) - requestact_user (Requests new activation email) - request_password (Requests lost password email) - check_password_request (Verifies lost password info) - change_password (Changes the users password) - update_user (Updates specified user information) - delete_user (Hard deletes user (not reccomended)) - login (Logs in user) - logout (Logs out user) ------------------------------------------ CONFIGURATION Minimal configuration is needed, see INSTALL ------------------------------------------ USAGE At the top of your php modules where you need to perform vBulletin user operations (creation, deletion, updating, login, and logout), put these two lines (where MY_PATH is the path to this file): require_once(MY_PATH.'/class.vbulletin-bridge.php'); $forum = new vBulletin_Bridge(); Now get your user data array from $_POST or whatever. Let's call this array $userdata. Here's what you can do: CREATE AND REGISTER NEW USER: $errmsg = $forum->register_newuser($userdata); UPDATE EXISTING USER DATA: $errmsg = $forum->update_user($userdata); (In this case, $userdata need contain only the username and anything else you wish to update, such as password and/or email address.) $errmsg contains any error messages separated by <br> codes. If no errors occured then NULL is returned. DELETE USER: $forum->delete_user($username); $username = user name LOGIN USER TO THE FORUM: $forum->login( requires array to be passed array('username' => $username, 'password' => $pw); LOG OFF USER FROM THE FORUM: $forum->logout(); WARNING: It is common for you to have TABLE_PREFIX defined for your own database. You must call it something else (for example, remove the underscore) or it will conflict with the vBulletin definition of the same name.

  Files folder image Files (6)  
File Role Description
Plain text file ChangeLog Data ChangeLog
Accessible without login Plain text file class.vbulletin-bridge.php Class Main Class
Plain text file INSTALL Doc. Install/Usage instructions
Plain text file LICENSE Lic. License
Plain text file README Doc. Readme
Plain text file TODO Data TODO list

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