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PHP Price Calculator: Calculate prices using arbitrary precision math

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StarStarStarStarStar 82%Total: 290 This week: 5All time: 7,505 This week: 9Up
Version License PHP version Categories
price-calculator 1.0.0BSD License5.3.0PHP 5, E-Commerce


This package can calculate prices using arbitrary precision math.

It can calculate the prices of goods using different strategies to compute the final price.

Currently it implements strategies to calculate the sales prices based on a value set manually, adding percentage or a fixed value over the original price.

The calculations of the prices are done using arbitrary precision math to avoid losing precision over multiple operations.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2014
Number 6

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
When dealing with money operations it is important to preserve the precision of the operation results as much as possible, so rounding errors do not result in serious financial losses.

This class uses arbitrary precision math to avoid rounding errors when performing operations on prices.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Sergii Pryz
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 5x



 * =======================================
 * Example of usage Price Calculator
 * =======================================

namespace PriceCalculator;

// PriceCalculator Autoload
require_once ('./src/Autoload.php');

// shop buy apples by 10$ from farmer
$price_purchase = 10;

// shop has 3% over purchase price
$strategy = new PercentOver(array('percent_over' => 3));

// vat is 23%
$vat_percent = 23;

// calculate price
$calculator = new PriceCalculator($strategy, $vat_percent);

$price = $calculator->setPricePurchase($price_purchase)

var_dump($price); // output: array(3) {
                    // ["price_net"]=>
                    // string(5) "10.30"
                    // ["price_gross"]=>
                    // string(7) "12.6690"
                    // ["vat_value"]=>
                    // string(6) "2.3690"


PriceCalculator ============== Introduction ------------ Library helps calculate products sales price components such as net, gross, vat with using BCMath ( for all arithmetics operations. Moreover PriceCalculator offers several algorithms to build price net: * Fixed price over purchase price * Fixed percent over purchase price * Manually set net without any margin Additionally it is possible extend library by adding own net price strategy. ### The areas of usage * Calculation product sales price * Form price that's includes several fees like delivery, insurance etc. * Build price that vary from region * Simply calculate VAT, gross, net ### Examples Example can be found here: `/Example.php`

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