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API or class for detecting video meta data: I need to get meta data for a video like frame-rate, length etc

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API or class for detecting video meta data


Picture of Peter Opeyemi by Peter Opeyemi - 10 months ago (2015-03-25)

I need to get meta data for a video like frame-rate, length etc

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I need a class or a library to detect the information about a media file (especially video) either upload from file system or from a remote location. Information I'm looking for includes things like format, dimension size, duration, frame rate, video codec, bitrate and so on. Thanks

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1 Recommendation

FFmpeg PHP: Manipulate video files using the ffmpeg program

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Samuel Adeshina by Samuel Adeshina Reputation 775 - 9 months ago (2015-05-04) Comment

Try Out this package. It has a feature to retrieve the meta details embedded in video files and also enables you to manipulate this meta data. You can also convert the video into another supported format, It has a well supported forum on this site and it is well documented

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