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Import excel file (xlsx format) into mysql database: I need to import excel data into database

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Import excel file (xlsx format) into mysql database


Picture of Johann Conceicao by Johann Conceicao - Yesterday (2016-07-06)

I need to import excel data into database

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Import excel file to a project wherein database used is mysql. Data must be displayed once it is selected from the database

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1 Recommendation

PHP Convert Excel to JSON: Convert data from Excel spreadsheet to JSON format

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Karl Holz by Karl Holz package author package author Reputation 110 - 14 hours ago (2016-07-06) Comment

This would be a good start to solving your problem, the index.php will show all the different views that this class exports. I have just updated it today.

If you need something to extend this for MySQL import I can make a new class that will build on top of this one; something like sheet per table, excel row for each MySQL table row. my Class has Cell Mapping already, I can add column mapping so your fields won't be A,B or C for each table.

Let me know what exactly you're thinking and I'll see what I can come up with, cool?

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